Eat for Health! Dr. Terry Wahls Discusses MS and Diet

For many people, autoimmune diseases are a way of life. One of the most devastating autoimmune illnesses is Multiple Sclerosis (MS). For those suffering from MS, a dietary approach to reversing the disease process may be a welcome idea and an ideas who’s time is long overdue.

From 1998 until 2003, I was a staff-member at the University of California’s Multiple Sclerosis Center. Much of my work focused around doing research into multiple sclerosis. All of that work focused on pharmaceutical intervention. And, while I found great pleasure is working to alleviate the suffering of those who had MS, I was acutely aware that we were failing to focus on many aspects of a person’s life that can affect their health and quality of life.

Recently there has been an increase in the amount of research being done into mitochondria, those tiny parts of our cells (known as organelles) responsible for supplying energy to our cells as well as a number of other vital functions. For those of you interested in knowing more about mitochondria (I’m kind of geeky about this stuff), check out this link – Mitochondria.

The following video is wonderful! Titled, TEDxIowaCity – Dr. Terry Wahls – Minding Your Mitochondria, it is a frank discussion of one kind of diet that can alter the progression of MS without the use of immune-modulating medications and pharmaceuticals. Dr. Terry Wahls is one of the pioneers in MS and diet. If you or a loved one has MS, or if you know of anyone suffering from this illness, I strongly recommend that you watch this video and share it with those who may benefit from it. Enjoy!

0 Comment   |   Posted in blog,self-care January 02, 2014